Monday, June 10, 2024

Lori Whitlock June Blog Hop

Box Card Coconut Drink #380711-Silhouette

Box Card Pineapple Drink #414979-Silhouette

Don't these drinks make you think of sitting on the beach with your toes in the sand? Wouldn't that be nice!

They are a simple box card design, but all the fun additions bring these up to top notch!

I also posted a Box Card Lemonade Jar earlier. If  you want to take a peek-click HERE. 

Just a note about the Silhouette Store-due to their online remodel, the site has been experiencing many difficulties. It may take another week or two to get things straightened it out. Be patient-these things take time. I feel for them.  All these files can also be found at Lori so you don't have to wait!!!

 You can find  these files at either the Silhouette Store or at the Lori Whitlock Shop. 

If you have come here from Chelsea's blog
 continue on hopping to:  

To enter the giveaway and start at the beginning of the hop go to the Lori Whitlock Blog. You can enter here as well!


 I hope you enjoyed my Creative Team post and will hop along with us!

💕Sue Kment

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Pin It!


Noelene Apap said...

I love your Pineapple & Coconut box cards! The look so yummy! They are very pretty & bright!

melonyscreations said...

these cups are so cool. Geat way to invite people to a pool party.

Leslie Miller said...

I would love to have a yummy drink from those very cool coconut and pineapple cups! What fun! We've had so few nice days here this spring, I'm beginning to wonder what our summer will be like. I hope it's better up there!

Sandra H said...

Wow what a fabulous creation its totally stunning and creative x

slbt17 said...

very fun! I have made these cards - they are well loved by the recipients!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...


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